Thursday, December 30, 2010

KA 51 N 6887

If I could dedicate 3/4th of my blog to a single subject, I would do so for my (ex) ‘blue car’, a Fiesta Zxi Diesel, upon which this combination of alpha numerals belong.

She was like a toy car to us. I remember the day my then fiancé, now hubby brought her straight from the showroom to my office, to pick me up for a long drive. I still have the taste of the ‘bajji’ in my mouth, which we had during that very first drive. On my wedding day, with my eyes welled up with tears (after symbolically waving bye to my parents, bro and sis in law) and chest swelling in anticipation about the new life ahead, she took me safe and sound to my destination.  A fun filled ride to our honeymoon locale, grocery shopping, all the trips we made, vacation journeys back home, celebrated with us on the day we came to know we are gonna be proud parents soon, shift to the new house… the list goes on.

There were many points through the last 3 years when we were told that we might need to move overseas, everytime till the last time we turned it down, the top priority being our unwillingness to part with our blue car. I have sometimes felt jealous of her coz of the attention my hubby showers on her. But I loved her nevertheless. She was our pride, our constant companion and a reminder to all our good times.

When we had to finally part with her, we tried our best to find her a good friend who would take care of her the way we did.  Sitting 14000 miles away from her on the other side of the globe, when her keys were handed over, we could not hold back our tears for a true friend who never let us down! I hope our paths never cross again, for I cant see her in someone else’s care.

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